Unlock Your Herd’s Potential & Reign In Your Operation’s Expenses With Priority IAC

Man at Dairy Farm

Healthy, thriving, and feed-efficient animals are the cornerstone of a successful farm. Building a healthy herd starts with the gut. That’s why we’re committed to providing top-quality livestock supplements and microbiology nutrition solutions scientifically tailored to meet the unique needs of your animals. Whether you’re a small-scale farmer or managing a large commercial operation, we’re here to help your animals thrive from the inside out.

gold spike cow supplement

Our Supplements are Rooted in Microbiology

“It’s still amazing to me how something so small, we’re talking a teaspoon amount per cow, can have such a huge impact on their health. We see this the most with Calf Gold™. Our calves are healthier, we see less scours, and they have more energy.”

– Matt Bjelland, Owner/Operator of Brown Star Dairy, a 500-head dairy operation in Wisconsin

Matt Bjelland

A New Approach to Herd Health…And It’s Through The Gut.

There are trillions of strains of bacteria. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack; you have to search to narrow it down to the very best. After decades of research, we’ve found the best performing strains naturally found in your cow, pig, horse, or other animal’s gut that actually get results for you and your farm.

When Tragedy Struck, It Inspired a Deeper Look at Nutrition and Led to the Launch of Priority IAC

Richard V. Breunig was managing the elite genetic herd at Clover Mist Dairy when a mistake in the ration occured and nearly decimated the entire herd. Richard could have let this tragedy stay a tragedy, but instead he fought back. He nursed the remaining herd back to health, and in 1998, launched Priority IAC. Priority IAC is a farm-developed and family-owned company that brings agriculture, microbiology, and nutritional expertise together to help farmers tap into the ways a cow’s body is designed to work (and now many other animals) through nutritional supplements that make life on the farm easier and cheaper.
Man Holding Cow Feed

Backed by Science

Priority IAC is using advanced microbiological and molecular-based strain selection methods with state of-the-art DNA genomic sequencing to identify and select the unique strains of bacteria. These select strains are available only through Priority IAC.

Man Holding Cow Feed
Cows Eating

Quality in Every Serving