Choppers Choice™ for Forage and Silage

Priority IAC’s Choppers Choice™ line of products provides pH-balancing Smartbacteria to aid in the fermentation process of silage, as well as decrease the loss of silage dry matter.
Priority IAC’s Choppers Choice™ line of products provides pH-balancing Smartbacteria to aid in the fermentation process of silage, as well as decrease the loss of silage dry matter.
3504 County Road CR., Manitowoc, WI 54220
1-888-444-2030 | 920-682-0264 | Fax: 920-273-6049
The Smartbacteria & Nutrition Company™
The Smartbacteria & nutrition company™
3504 Country Road CR., Manitowac, WI 54220
1-888-444-2030 | 920-682-0264 | Fax: 920-682-1155